Thursday, February 1, 2018



Have known, but finally realized how much I need to raise my vibration levels on a daily basis, and embrace the joys more than the negatives. But I also need to embrace the negatives, not letting them take over, but using them as a measurement by which I understand how wonderful the positives really are.

This is hard, since I have, for most of my life, I think, tried to keep my energy levels low, thinking it would serve me better in the long run. It has and hasn’t, and it’s time for a change.

Today I started with an indoor walk. I’m going to listen to fun music when I get a chance. I’m going to find something else I can do that will fit into what is going to be a long workday, that will make me feel good.

I am smiling because I am a great aunt of a baby who is a total miracle.
I smiling because I don’t have to buy a new car for awhile, and my old one is working great.
I am smiling because I got in touch with a cousin I haven’t spoken to in a very long time, and I will, hopefully, see her at family reunion this year.
I am smiling because my book is coming together.
I am smiling because I have a job I love, friends who I love, family that I love, a home that I love, a cat that I love, a life that I love.

I am blessed.
I am grateful.
I smile.