Sunday, February 20, 2011

OH! The weirdness

Yesterday, Saturday, was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, and thought temps weren’t balmy they were in the upper 50’s. Snow was melted from the ground. All in all it was a good enough day to let the girls out into the yard. This was the first time since last year and they were both raring to go. So I let them.
Approximately every hour I would chick to see if they wanted to come in. Freyje too every opportunity to come in and go out, but there was no sign of Vivre, and as the day wore into evening and then into night I grew more and more concerned. Finally, sometime after midnight, I threw in the towel and went to bed, but slept lightly in case she managed to make her way to a window.

Around 2:30ish I hear voices outside my window. It sounded like my neighbors arguing so I decided to ignore it as best I could. There was some yelling and a couple of flat cracks as if they were breaking boards. At some point I heard someone yell “get up!” a couple of times and at that point I guess I decided someone was drunk so I definitely did not want to pay attention.

And then I heard the fire engine siren whoop from up the street and I had to get up and look. Unfortunately my windows have plastic on them so I couldn’t see any details but not only was there a fire truck there were at least three police cars out there. I threw on my robe and went to take a closer look (and possibly get my cat in if she was around). 

When I got downstairs I found the front door open and my downstairs neighbors standing on the porch looking (so not them as I had thought). About 20 yards from the house nose into a tree was a car. And under the car was a man, face down on the sidewalk with the fire department and police working to get him out. 

Definitely did not expect that.

From what I gleaned from what my (very drunk) neighbor George was saying, was that the man under the car had been with some other people, and that they had run away. There was also some confusion about the license plate being ripped off the car by some person, and sure enough, when I got a look the license plate was gone.

So, after gawking at this for a bit until they got the guy on a backboard, and seeing no sign of Vivre (and being cold because it still is winter), I went back to bed and spent the next hour or so listening to the cleanup – fire department leaving, tow truck winching the car away from tree and onto flatbed, etc.

Couldn’t sleep for a long time after. Was worried about V and also trying to figure out how a man who is run over by a car that is facing downhill is face down and facing uphill under the rear bumper. (Still can’t figure that out.)

So it was a bad night, and I finally dozed off to awaken somewhat early for me on a Sunday (9am). Went down to feed the fuzzy monster (Freyje) and was planning to go looking for the baby girl (V) when I looked out the kitchen window and say a very fuzzy, very dirty kitty stalking a bird in the backyard. I opened the window and called her then ran down and let her in. 

I think she was cursing at me as she came in but then blew that attitude by stopping for a cuddle before running up the stairs and devouring dinner like she hadn’t eaten since the Garfield administration.
Afterwards she curled up on my lap and let me comb the burrs out of her tail.

I checked on the news and there are no reports of any accidents in my area from last night, so I have no idea what the hell that was about. Will keep you posted if something comes up.

Right now I have a sleeping, purring cat on my lap and I’m supposed to be getting ready to go out. Cats have the ability to increase their gravitational field, for those who don’t know, and it makes it very hard to get up once they have activated that power. 

I’ll give her a few minutes before I start trying to escape.

Have a good one, folks.

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