Monday, May 16, 2011


So there I was, talking on the phone with my mother. It was around 9:45pm. In comes Vivre with a maus.

Yeah, I know I shouldn’t be surprised, but to tell you the truth I let my guard down.
See, it’s like this – last year the attached vacant house was finally boarded up and the windows closed. I assumed (wrongly I see now) that that was the source of the rodents the girls were bringing in.

And this was a maus, not a vole (mousy face, long tail, grey, etc.)

I had to promptly discontinue my conversation with mom and go on the hunt for my rodent catching supplies. Couldn’t find them. Meanwhile Vivre was wandering around the house trying to figure out where she’s going to play maus hockey.  

I managed to shoo her into the stairwell and block her off. It was a temporary fix while I scrambled to find cardboard and plastic container. It did help that she allowed maus to make a dash for freedom so she could have the fun of hunting it down. 

I arrived in place just as she was about to jump my makeshift barrier and let the fun continue in the larger venue of my kitchen (oh joy). My refusal to allow her access allowed the little vermin to make another break for it and she had to scramble down the stairs after it. 

Unfortunately I’m in the process of sorting through books with the intent to destash, and there are several boxes on the stairs which maus took full advantage of – hiding behind and making the whole hide-and-seek thing way more fun (for the cat, anyway).

And then Freyje showed up.

Somehow she took over the maus hunt, cornered it and was about to make my life just that much more interesting. But through quick action, and the use of my superior intellect (open front door in preparation of  removing maus) I managed to corner Ms. Rodentia, cover it, slide the cardboard under and then relocate it to the vacant lot next door.


So now both Vi and Freyj aren’t talking to me. Vi is also out looking for another victim and I’m going to find my stuff. Pronto.

And so it begins.


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