Thursday, April 24, 2014


Thought I was going to lose my mind.

I spent an hour writing on the Earth book this morning, went to save it and promptly lost it. I spent another hour trying to figure out where it had gone since I knew it didn't just disappear. One good thing about this computer is that it saves everything every few minutes, whether you want it to or not. I just couldn't figure out what had happened to my doc between one keystroke and the next.

Eventually what I discovered is that when I download from my Dropbox the document is opened in a chrome-extension location, not the Google docs area. (!) After working on it, the next part - saving it back up to Dropbox, is a whole different kettle of fish (still haven't figure that one out yet.)

All in all, this thing has its good points (portability, long battery, other stuff) and bad points (not intuitive, unclear instructions, does not support some programs I want to use).

Chromebook has all kinds of internal nooks and crannies that are not evident or intuitive. If you don't know how to use it it's a process to get the answers.

Nothing is perfect. I'm just glad I found my doc.

Addressed BIF's and the GOE. Trying to figure out how to insert the beginning of plate tectonics and the electromagnetic field. And somewhere in there life is creeping out of the deep. (Should've stayed put - Earth's first great extinction is just around the corner.)

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