APRIL 21, 2014
I am really and truly blessed with the bestest family in the world. Apparently my mother Canary and oldest sister Darlene decided I needed help with my writing and they conspired to fool me by telling me they were gifting me with a new hard drive.
My question was, why did i need a new hard drive?
I was told on Saturday to expect this on Monday and spoke with both Mom and Darlene on Easter Sunday about it. Mom told me to let her know when it showed up because she might have a use for a hard drive herself. (Devious!) Neither one gave a hint as to the true gift that was going to show up.
I had to go in to work this afternoon so missed the delivery. When I got home there it was in its smiley face box.
Opening the first layer i was met with a wholly unexpected sight - an Acer Chromebook computer!
It’s designed to boot up immediately, update automatically, and do other tasks almost effortlessly. Best of all I can use it anywhere. Unlike my old tablet whose battery has been long dead, this one has hours of autonomous use.
Do I sound like a commercial? Sorry, I’m definitely not trying to get people to buy one of these because it’s not right for everyone, but for me and my writing adventure it’s perfect!
Darlene even had me do research on chromebooks for her. (Doubly devious!)
Love you Mom and Darlene. :-)
Meanwhile, I did a little writing Saturday and virtually none Sunday because of the holiday. I’m going to make up for it now by going out on the porch on this very warm and lovely day with my new battery operated writing machine. YAY!!!!
Yay indeed!! How sweet!